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Below is a compilation of my released projects, where I've contributed as a Composer, Music Producer, Bass Player, Singer, and, notably, a cultural enabler.


(2023- present)

Founder, Composer, Bassplayer, Mentor

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Excited to introduce Kootali - my current touring project, a Tamil dance band. I've always aspired to create one, fusing Dapankuthu Beats and Madras Gaana spirit with high-energy performances.

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The Casteless Collective


Co-Founder, Composer, Bassplayer, Mentor

Responding to Pa.Ranjith's Neelam Cultural Centre, I founded The Casteless Collective—a global political ensemble against caste discrimination. Our impactful debut show drew 7K, reshaping art's impact and propelling indie growth.




Co-Founder, Co-Composer, Music Producer and Bassplayer

Kurangan, a collaboration with Kaber Vasuki, saw him as singer-songwriter and me as arranger, co-composer, and music producer. Our journey intertwined during his album crowdfunding. Our distinct musical identity thrived through hits, but personal differences led us to part ways in 2017.

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